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Bamboo Farming in INDIA, Its Climate Conditions, Profitability, Subsidy (With FAQs)

When thinking about bamboo farming in INDIA, the first thing that comes to mind is feasibility. It is one of the few products that cannot be sold on Mandi (marketplace). The only uses that come to mind are construction site scaffolding or poles. Luckily, bamboo is one of the few products in constant demand.

Bamboo is used by paper manufacturers, there are textile manufacturers who use bamboo to make organic fabrics that are more durable than cotton, and there are biofuels that can be made from bamboo and there will always be demand. We have no choice but to develop the market.

Let’s understand a bit about the steps & processes involved in bamboo farming:

Table of Contents

Planting Bamboo For Bamboo Farming in INDIA

Planting Bamboo
Planting Bamboo

Bamboo can be planted from seeds, cuttings, or rhizomes. Seeds are very rare and expensive. This is the least recommended and least practiced method of growing bamboo. Cuttings and rhizomes are more practical, cheaper, and more efficient. Rhizomes have a higher success rate, but cuttings are much easier and more readily available for starting bamboo plants. The cost of rhizome in India is also higher than cuttings at Rs 100-120 per rhizome. Plants from cuttings cost about 60 rupees. Plant prices also depend on the type and quality of bamboo.

Video Explanation on Bamboo Farming in India

Land Preparation & Plant Spacing for Bamboo Farming in INDIA

Bamboo doesn’t require much when it comes to soil preparation, but it does require good spacing. If carefully planned and trucks or vehicles can move between crops as they are transported, transportation costs can be greatly reduced. . With this in mind, we recommend planting bamboo in 12 rows x 4 meters apart. This allows for approximately 100 plants per acre. Planting at the recommended spacing of 5 x 4 meters allows for a dense planting of about 250 plants, which is perfect for growing bamboo.

Remove all weeds and till the land to remove weeds as needed. The pit should be dug to the required distance of 2 feet deep and 2 feet wide. Compost or FYM (Farm Yard Manure) should be applied during bamboo planting. Before planting bamboo, it is also recommended to treat the seedlings with a regular fungicide. Water the plant immediately after transplanting, and then daily for a month. Watering should be reduced to every other day after 1 month and once a week after 6 months.

Bamboo usually grows very quickly, with some varieties reaching 6 feet in 24 hours. If you water daily, you will see this growth, but it is not necessary as the bamboo will grow to its maximum size without any extra effort. This is one of the few reasons bamboo is considered one of the few best crops that are easy to care for and very high yielding.

Depending on the variety, harvesting can begin in the third or fourth year, but it is recommended not to harvest until the seventh year. By the seventh year, at least culms (one culm per year) will be seen, increasing each year, with yields steadily increasing with each harvest.

Climatic Conditions, Soil &Fertilizers, Irrigation &Pesticides for Bamboo Farming in INDIA

As far as India is concerned, bamboo can be grown anywhere except the Kashmir Valley. The eastern part of India is today the largest bamboo producer. Bamboo grows mainly in woodland areas. It is wholly owned by the Government of India as forest land. Bamboo cultivation by private owners is limited, making bamboo a highly demanded and profitable crop. It’s also worth noting that bamboo laws are changing rapidly by state & central governments.

Soil Conditions:

Given the soil and climate conditions, bamboo can grow anywhere as long as it is not extremely cold. Hot and warm weather conditions are recommended, but weather below 15 degrees is not suitable for bamboo. pH of Soil should be between 4.5 – 6, which is normally present in India.

The soil should not be too sandy. Stony soils are not suitable for growing bamboo. As for fertilizer, bamboo needs very little fertilizer. 10 KG Farm yield manure per year is enough. Adding 1kg of other fertilizers such as a mixture of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus will give better growth. For fertilizing bamboo plants, the total investment will be approx. 50/- per plant. For bamboo growth, we recommend spraying 10kg of farm yield manure plants per year.

Irrigation & Pesticides:

Pests are rare and, if they do occur, are caused by insects. For bamboo, the application of pesticides is rare, but if required, it can incur an additional cost of Rs 2000 per acre. Irrigation is required for the first 3-4 years of his life and the cost of a drip line makes sense, saving water, labor, and resources. This alone requires an initial investment of Rs 50,000 per acre.

How long does bamboo take to grow?

All good things take time. For bamboo, it takes 6-7 years before the first harvest begins. At least one should invest time, money, and effort in his/her bamboo plantation for six years. It may sound a bit daunting and time-consuming, but you can pay for your investment in just 10 years from the day you planted it.

How profitable is bamboo farming in India?

How profitable is bamboo farming?
How profitable is bamboo farming?

Is bamboo a profitable business in India? Have a look at the below calculation:

Cost of plantation per acre

Costing in 1st Year

Plant Sapling – Approx. 20000/- (One Time Costing)

Farm Yard Manure – Approx. 5000-6000/-

Fertilizers – Approx. 20000/-

Pesticides – Approx. 10000/-

Installation of Drip – Approx. 50000/- (One Time Cost)

Irrigation – Approx. 12000/-

Labour – Approx. 25000/-

Machinery Cost- Approx. 15000/- (One Time Cost)

Other Expenses -Approx. 10000/-

Total Expenses – Approx. Rs 1,70,000/-

Costing in 2nd Year

Plant Sapling – Nil

Farm Yard Manure – Approx. 5000-6000/-

Fertilizers – Approx. 20000/-

Pesticides – Approx. 10000/-

Installation of Drip – Nil

Irrigation – Approx. 12000/-

Labour – Approx. 25000/-

Machinery Cost- Nil (Just Maintenance, if required)

Other Expenses -Approx. 10000/-

Total Expenses – Approx. Rs 1,70,000/-

The maximum cost from the second year is approx. 80,000 – 85,000/- (considering 83,000/- for the ease of calculation). There is no drip installation cost from the second year, and there is no machine cost just the maintenance will be there if required. The machine fee is basically the tractor and the cost of planting bamboo and clearing the land that is no longer needed.

Now let’s come to profit from the 6th year onwards. Therefore, you will have to bear the costs of at least 83,000/- in the first 6 years.

YearsIncomeExpenseCumulative Overhead
Year 10168000168000
Year 2083000251000
Year 3083000334000
Year 4083000417000
Year 5083000500000
Year 6083000583000
Year 77000083000596000
Year 88000083000599000
Year 99000083000592000
Year 1010000083000575000
Year 1111000083000548000
Year 1212000083000511000
Year 1313000083000464000
Year 1414000083000407000
Year 1515000083000340000
Year 1615000083000273000
Year 1715000083000206000
Year 1815000083000139000
Year 191500008300072000
Year 20150000830005000
Year 211500008300062000
Year 2215000083000129000
Year 2315000083000196000
Year 2415000083000263000
Year 2515000083000330000
Year 2615000083000397000
Year 2715000083000464000
Year 2815000083000531000
Year 2915000083000598000

The above-mentioned table is based on several factors and assumptions which may vary. There are up to 15 stems for the entire period. This isn’t true, but it’s a more conservative approach. We also fixed the cost at Rs 83,000 per year which is higher than usual. A normal plantation only requires 30,000-40,000 rupees per year for management. Plantations are dense with bamboo, so they are less likely to weed or fertilize after the seventh or eighth year.

The number of cams after the tenth year is usually up to 20 per plant. This is quite normal, one bamboo sapling has at least 4-5 saplings per year. But we are very conservative when it comes to income and exaggerate when it comes to spending. Also, limits profit per acre to 150000.

The above calculation shows that the break-even point is reached after 20 years. That’s a long time for most farmers. If we reduce the cost to 40,000, which is in most cases the actual amount needed to maintain a bamboo farm, it will reach breakeven in 13 years and make a profit from it until the age of 30. You can get the longest lifespan of bamboo is 30 years, but some bamboos live longer (up to 130 years). The lifespan of commercially grown bamboo plants is thought to be 30 years.

Increasing profit from Bamboo Farming in India

No one takes 13-20 years to make money. We are all looking for a steady income, or a way to generate income, spend less, and maintain a lifestyle. Investing 1 million rupees every year and getting frustrated when not even sure about the outcomes. A farmer can earn an income by his sixth year, but most farmers do not realize all of the time and money invested in his six years. What if there was a way to make more money from the third year? Enough to feed yourself and maintain the bamboo forest. What if you could make a profit on your bamboo plantation from the third year onwards? Yes, you can. A little more effort is required.

The real benefit is not in the bamboo trees themselves; a real bamboo plantation is more or less like a long-term investment. It’s like investing in stocks. The return may be slow, but it will definitely come. It may take 10 to 20 years, but the yield is great and it is 100% safe. But then there are short-term gains. Like day trading. If you are familiar with stocks, you may understand that you can buy today and sell tomorrow or the same day. Margins may be low, but if you do it in high volume, the profit for your share will be big.

Bamboo Nursery

Let’s talk about the bamboo nursery. The best way to make a profit quickly and easily.

From the second year onwards, bamboo will grow from existing bamboo that is already growing. Each bamboo plant can serve 3-24 small bamboo plants. These rhizomes can be dug up and placed in a plastic bag mixed with coco peat and compost. Currently, each rhizome is sold for 100 rupees. If you can grow an average of 3 bamboo saplings per plant, you will have 600 bamboo saplings per acre. An average of 100 rupees gives rise to 60,000 rupees per acre. A bamboo plant nursery is not a bad idea. From the second year, the annual income increases from 0 to 60,000 rupees, which greatly increases the income and shortens the time to benefit from the bamboo plantation.

Subsidy for Bamboo Farming in India

Currently, India imports bamboo at Rs 12,000 per tonne, making India the second largest bamboo producer in the world. India imports bamboo from China. China is the world’s largest bamboo producer. However, the Indian government wants to encourage bamboo cultivation in India to reduce imports. Farmers receive a subsidy of 120 rupees per stem for growing bamboo. The cost may seem insignificant at first glance, but in most cases, it covers all of your planting costs. That amount alone could cut investment by 30-50%.

You can plant up to 2000 bamboo per acre. Bamboo plants cost between 60 and 100 rupees depending on the type of bamboo plant you want to buy. Sprouts and tissue culture seedlings cost around Rs 60 and rhizomes over Rs 100. The cost of planting 2000 plants will be around Rs 1,000.00 to Rs 2,000. With the subsidy, the factory costs nothing. Invest only in fertilizer, watering, and plant care.

Bamboo subsidies are available all across India. Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Uttar Pradesh are just a few of the states that have successfully used subsidies. Other states are a little behind but are catching up quickly. The states of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra, Karnataka, Uttarakhand, and Jharkhand are today rapidly developing bamboo-producing regions.

Further readings: Click on the below links to read further about

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

How many bamboo can be planted in an acre?

One acre of land can be planted with 200 saplings and one clump is expected to grow 60 bamboo.

Which bamboo is best for farming?

Balcoa, Katang, and Stocksii bamboos are best suited for farming.

Which country is the largest producer of bamboo?

China is the largest producer of bamboo in the world

What countries have bamboo?

Asian countries mainly China, India, North & South America, Australia, Africa.

Is bamboo only in Asia?

Bamboo naturally grows in Asia, Australia, North & South America, and Africa except Europe & Antarctica.

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